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Writer's pictureKatie Tame

Weathering the storm: how BSPK can help you navigate retail challenges in 2024

Updated: Apr 23

In 2024, the retail industry will see disruption becoming the norm, and embracing clienteling technology will not only help sales teams understand their customers and curate the right experiences for them but will be a crucial component for brands hoping to weather the storm. The ‘we're all in the same boat’ mentality can in some ways be quite befitting for the year ahead. It acknowledges that we're collectively navigating a challenging global recession, but the truth is, retailers are not encountering these difficulties under identical circumstances or with the same mechanisms to cope. The retail industry is grappling with various obstacles in the modern business landscape, fueled partly by the surge of e-commerce and evolving consumer preferences. Throughout 2023, retailers were confronted with numerous challenges that prepared them for what lies ahead. Businesses exhibiting resilience in the face of those challenges managed to overcome an unpredictable geopolitical environment and constrained consumer spending, all trends that are expected to persist into 2024.

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The question arises: why are some businesses more adept at navigating this storm than others? As we anticipate new and ongoing market trends, it's important to note that retailers, regardless of the obstacles thrown their way, are now better equipped to handle them than just a few years ago. Whilst 2024 won't be without its challenges, retailers can certainly embrace more stability by providing their teams with the right tools and technology. It is vital for brands to be cognizant of what lies ahead, and plan on how to maintain growth and sales whilst continuing to impress clients. This involves implementing a clienteling strategy and adopting a clienteling solution, ensuring meticulous planning, adaptability, and a commitment to enhancing the overall customer experience.

Retail Challenges

Cost of Living: 

The ongoing cost of living crisis and inflation are set to persist, affecting consumer spending and making it increasingly challenging for brands to maintain a loyal customer base. This level of financial uncertainty has subdued spending habits, resulting in reduced purchases in the past couple of months. The increasingly discerning consumer poses a challenge for businesses, even those who excelled in the previous year. Consumer caution is fueled by concerns such as paying student loans, leading to a pullback in spending on discretionary items like apparel, footwear, and accessories.

Amid ongoing inflation, there is a notable shift in consumer spending habits. The traditionally robust "buy now" mentality is giving way to a more deliberate "consider before purchasing" approach. This change is evident in major retail stores where customers are scaling back on expenses, prioritizing essential items, and deferring nonessential purchases. While consumers are not closing their wallets entirely, they are becoming more judicious in their spending, with a preference for the convenience of online shopping. Industry insights suggest a consumer market that is becoming significantly more discerning, potentially impacting the economic forecast for the coming year. The stress on consumers is evident, marked by increased credit card debt, particularly affecting debt-burdened households. Higher interest costs and the resumption of student loan payments are expected to keep delinquency rates elevated in early 2024, especially for low-income households.

Sales teams who can anticipate a shift in consumer behavior, particularly reduced brand loyalty and a significantly more volatile market, are poised to maintain a competitive edge this year. The economic climate has led consumers to explore various options, posing a challenge for retailers to retain their customer base. Younger consumers in particular are inclined towards more affordable, fast fashion brands, given their lower prices and increased convenience. This dynamic makes it more challenging for retailers to secure customer loyalty. The surge in fast fashion is worth acknowledging, and this trend is set to persist. These brands pose a substantial threat to the retail sector, and their rapid growth is one to be mindful of.

Despite the impending challenges for the retail industry, there lies an opportunity to develop new strategies and explore innovative approaches to re-engage customers with their brands. Whilst 2024 will undoubtedly present challenges, it also opens avenues for the retail sector to adapt and thrive in the face of evolving consumer preferences and economic uncertainties. Businesses should focus on building their clienteling strategy to provide unique in-store experiences, personalized customer service, and exclusive promotions for loyal clients. Building a strong brand identity that resonates with the target audience will enhance the overall shopping experience and potentially mitigate the impact of shifting consumer habits.

2024 retail challenges

Competition from E-Commerce:

The rise in online shopping has grown significantly, challenging the existence of traditional brick and mortar retailers. Brands that embrace an omnichannel strategy whereby clients can enjoy a seamless combination of online and offline experiences will gain a competitive advantage. Sales teams who provide services such as click-and-collect, online ordering with in-store pickup, and ensure a smooth integration between physical stores and digital platforms. Clienteling software can be utilized to ensure a smooth flow of communication between the client and associate, warranting nothing in the sales process is overlooked.

Adapting to Trends: 

Remaining relevant and consumer savvy in a swiftly transforming market marked by dynamic trends can be overwhelming for sales teams and brands alike. Keeping aware of industry trends and promptly adjusting to meet your clients’ needs is a key tactic to building a sustainable customer base. Brands should consistently update product offerings to synchronize with consumer preferences, whilst sales associates can actively solicit customer feedback and leverage it to make well-informed decisions regarding product selection and store layout.

Addressing these challenges necessitates that brick-and-mortar retailers exhibit agility, customer-centricity, and a readiness to embrace innovation. This approach is pivotal in establishing a competitive advantage within the continually changing retail environment. In this context, clienteling becomes paramount, as it involves leveraging personalized customer interactions and insights to tailor product offerings and enhance the overall shopping experience, thereby ensuring sustained relevance and competitiveness in the market.

Sustainability and Supply Chains: 

The traditional supply chain, vulnerable to disruptions, faces increased fragility, particularly in the regions where raw materials are sourced and manufacturing occurs. Building resilience and future-proofing businesses has become essential for brands wishing to thrive in 2024. The intricacies of maintaining optimal inventory levels and efficiently managing the supply chain present challenges that sales teams need to be aware of.

To navigate this landscape, brands can leverage clienteling technology to check inventory, and enable real-time tracking of stock levels. Utilizing data analytics becomes crucial for forecasting demand and optimizing stock. Establishing strong and reliable relationships with suppliers is also paramount for ensuring an efficient supply chain. Furthermore, actively contributing to a sustainable future is no longer optional; it is a necessity. With new legislation and evolving consumer attitudes, brands must proactively showcase their efforts in order to address forthcoming changes.

2024 retail challenges continued

Returns & Tech:

Dealing with returns policies is an ongoing challenge and concern for retailers. A lot of brands have responded by introducing return fees, whilst consumers are becoming increasingly price-conscious and aware of delivery costs. To address this dichotomy, some retailers are implementing innovative loyalty schemes, such as waiving delivery charges for loyal members in a strategic approach that builds on their clienteling strategy. In the UK, brands like H&M discontinued free online returns in 2022. However, for members of H&M’s loyalty club, free returns serve as an additional benefit.

The benefits of leveraging AI technology to tackle the issue of returns is also becoming clearer, with consumers able to use technology to accurately predict sizing and style. This advancement holds the potential to mitigate the impact of returns significantly. Additionally, sales teams who build relationships with their clients are equipped to give personalized and specific advice regarding fit and looks, helping to foster a sense of trust between the two parties. Clienteling platforms can be leveraged to elevate this connection, with sales teams able to employ platforms like BSPK to navigate any obstacles.

How BSPK Can Help You Weather The Storm

Omnichannel experiences and consumer relationships are set to take center stage in 2024. At BSPK, our innovation is rooted in technology, and we meet dynamic industry needs, recognizing the importance of understanding why and how consumers seek seamless shopping experiences across all channels and interactions.

The key for sales associates lies not only in understanding the products themselves, but also in the understanding of customer behavior and the vitality of relationships. To drive footfall and foster loyalty, providing customers with multiple reasons to visit becomes crucial.

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Once customers choose your store, the focus shifts to keeping them engaged and encouraging increased basket spending. With one-third of shoppers making impulse purchases based on visual temptation or personal recommendation, offering easy choices, and creating an engaging environment is paramount. BSPK aids in translating these insights into actionable strategies, allowing for seamless communication and a comprehensive profile of each client to be ready at hand.

Looking forward, understanding shoppers and catering to their busy lifestyles becomes the cornerstone of weathering the storm in convenience retail. BSPK is set to be the game-changer for retailers and sales teams, providing the tools and insights necessary to navigate the challenges of 2024 successfully.

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